Hubby called today with some "music to my ears". He gave me some hopeful news that their return date may be sooner than planned. Nothing definite, just an estimated time frame. Of course, all of you know, that with the ARMY that is likely to change, but for now I will hold on to what I've heard & hope for the best!!!
Today I did just that...I took all of my fall/winter clothes (with the exception of a few lightweight cardigans) & packed them up so I could bring out my spring/summer clothes. In a weird way, I enjoy doing that every year. And with doing that I always end up with a purge pile, so it makes me feel all cleaned up:) The weather sure has been gorgeous lately & is supposed to be even better next week. Spring & Summer are my favorite seasons...I could really do without the fall/winter. I'm a very cold natured person & I enjoy the warmth!
Enough about that, Hubby called today:) It was sooo nice to hear his sweet voice. We actually got to talk alot longer today than usual, which I was appreciative of. I think I needed that. He also mentioned he has sent me a letter...yay!!! I love letters and hubby is the best at writing them. I love reading his letters because he writes exactly how he talks. LOL!! His writing is the cutest thing. He sent it off today, so I am anticipating it's arrival. I reminisced today & went back & read all of his old letters from bootcamp he had sent me. I laughed, smiled, & cried reading everything he had written. It made me fall in love with him all over again.
Just a few questions about me & the hubs that's been on alot of blogger's pages that I thought I would repost to let my blogger world know...
-How long have you been together? ~4 years going on 5 of being together, 3 years of dating & 14 months of marriage as of 1-10-09
-How long did you know of each other before you started dating? ~We have always "known" of each other, but never actually talked face to face until the summer of 05
-Are you from the same hometown? ~Yes, we actually only lived about 7 minutes apart (if even that)
-Who is the smartest? ~We are both pretty even when it comes to brains, but I would be willing to admit that he maybe a little smarter, especially on street smarts lol
-Who majored in what? ~Her majored in ME & I majored in HIM:) Jk He only went to Community College for his basic classes & then joined the Army Reserves & I have never gone to college. I began my career right after highschool
-Where do you eat out at most as a couple? ~Our favorite restaurant - Longhorn Steakhouse
-Where is the furthest you have traveled together? ~St. Lucia for our wonderful honeymoon
-Where was your first date? ~Our 1st date was to dinner & a movie - We went to eat at O'Charley's & we went to watch "The Skeleton Key"*We ended up oppositely matching*
-Who has the bigger family? ~Our families are about the same size
-Do you get flowers often? ~I get flowers here & there/the most special time I received them was on Valentine's Day 2008 while he was away at bootcamp
-How do you spend the holidays? ~We spend the holidays in our hometown going around to all of the family gatherings
-Who is more jealous? We both are pretty even when it comes to jealousy, we aren't very jealous people, but when it's necessary our jealousy side reveals itself
-How long did it take to get serious? ~It only took a couple of months of "hanging out with friends" that he realized he wanted me all to himself haha, we started officially dating September 2005
-Who eats more? ~He does hands down - but you would never know
-What do you do for a living? ~I am a secretary/hygiene coordinator for a dental office & he is a driver for Fed Ex & the Army Reserves
-Who does the laundry? ~I do, but he does help out anytime I ask, b/c he's sweet like that:)
-Who is better with a computer? ~We are both pretty good about understanding technology, except when it came to facebook - I had to help him learn the ropes;)
-Who drives when you are together? ~He does - I mean hello thats what he does for a living lol (weird that he doesn't get tired of it)
-What is your song? ~"My Best Friend" by Tim McGraw
-Who is the oldest? ~He is by 4 1/2 months
-Cat or Dog People? ~Definitely dog people - we have a dachshund named Charlie:)
-Who cooks? ~I do most of the cooking, but he is a wonderful breakfast chef - that is his area & I love it!!!!!
20% is where we are at on the Donut of Misery!!! Can't complain, because 20% is much better than 5% lol. And we are 40 something % on the R&R Donut of Misery. The countdowns are starting to move which is so exciting. But, I have to remind myself not to check these It's more exciting after a couple of days or a week & see the little time moving away. Who knew such a tiny countdown device could make so many of us happy, who our husbands are deployed. Deployment sucks, we all know that, but it's the little things that keep all of us going. I can't wait to hear from hubby again, he's supposed to call me tomorrow:) Yay!!! I absolutely love that man! He is my world!!! And, I love talking to him because he is always in such high spirits, he always talks about the "fun" things & how even though he has to be over there & misses me like crazy, he is enjoying parts of this deployment. I'm glad he stays upbeat for me:) He's absolutely wonderful!!! It's been forever since I've seen his face, but we'll just continue to count down the days until that wonderful day!!!!
This weekend me & my cousins got together for a little mini weekend get together. It was so much fun! Especially us girls:) We had tons of girl talk & laughs! It was a wonderful weekend that I had needed. Just time to get away...away from the every day life of hubby being deployed. It was nice to clear my mind & just have fun. Plus, we got to see my cousin & his wife's brand new baby boy...he is so adorable & so sweet! I was glad we got a chance to meet him before he had grown all up on us lol!
Also, I received my weekend phone call from my hubby...another exactly what I needed. I miss hubby everyday & sometimes worse than others...BUT we aren't too far away from R&R:) He says it's starting to really really get hott over there...he is thoroughly enjoying his fan I sent him. He seems to be doing good & that makes life grand!!!
Today I discovered the news of a fellow blogger (whom I follow) losing her husband this past weekend in Afghanistan. I cannot imagine the pain & anxiety she is experiencing right now. I'm sure there are so many emotions that she cannot even begin to describe. My heart aches for her & her daughter. It really hits close to home when you hear the news of someone's loved one passing on, as your loved one is overseas as well. I ask each & everyone of you that read this blog to stop & pray for this young girl & her family. And also, take the time to pray for all of our soldiers overseas & their families left behind.
God, shine your mercy & grace down & forever protect our soldiers!!!! Amen!!!
Ok, Ok, I know this is waaayyy past due. But, I have seen it on several of the military wives' blog pages & decided I would do the same. So here it goes....
Month 2 in Review:
-Finally got my license changed to my married name (only after a year of marriage...oops)
-Had several girl's nights
-Sent out Care Packages
-Celebrated brother's 20th birthday
-Cousin Will & Wife Ashley had their baby boy Avery
-Watched this season of The Bachelor (even though it was disappointing)
-Read "The Lucky One" by Nicholas Sparks
-Learned of Matt's dates for R&R
-Made it through V-day alone for the 2nd year (not in a row though)
*Now, we are 1/2 way through with month #3 (yay!!), so that recap will be soon:)*
Talked to hubby yesterday morning and the first words out of his mouth were: "Babe, I finally got my V-day package!!!". Yay, so exciting. I was actually worried that it was NEVER going to show up. It made me sad, being that I had packed all kinds of little goodies/presents for him. But, he got it:) And, he absolutely loved it. I had made him a little "Few Reasons Why I Love You" photo book from Shutterfly, and he proceeded to tell me that a few of his buddies really liked the gift too lol & was wondering how I made that. He says they wrote down the website & will maybe make them a photobook one day too. How sweet:)
Hubby is still doing great! He says it's really starting to warm up over there. It has been wonderful getting to talk to him twice just about every week. He always sounds so upbeat & in wonderful moods. I'm glad he is doing so well. That makes it better on me. I'm sure it may get a little draggy after the 1/2 way mark where we are both ready for him to come home, but so far so good.
We are on day 70 of this process & about 3 1/2 months away from R&R. That makes me happy, because I have so much on my calendar before July, that will hopefully pass the time by really fast:) Well I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!!
This will be set #2 of care packages I have sent out for hubby. The first set, hubby has received one box but not the other just yet. So, hopefully he will get both of these on time. The one hubby hasn't received just yet is his V-day package w/ his gifts:( Bummer! Maybe they will show up some time. I've tried contacting the post office, but they keep telling me it was shipped & he should get it eventually. Care packages are so fun getting together & decorating & such. This one in particular I was extra cheesy on. LOL! I bought a bunch of snacks/things & put little love notes all over them! Hopefully hubby will enjoy & his buddies won't pick on him too bad;)
Nothing to really blog about, but I did want to share this pic I made for hubby. I miss him so much & can't wait to see him for R&R. I love you, honey!!!