Where does the time go? My sweet, little baby girl is already a month old as of Monday. It seems just like yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital. We had her 4 week check up last Friday & she is now up to 10lbs 6oz & 22 in. long. She is growing like a weed & loves to eat. During the day she eats about every 2-3 hours depending on how long she naps for. At night she will go anywhere from 3-6 hours between feedings. Which is nice. Last night she went to bed at 10pm & didn't wake up until 4am to be fed. Much needed rest for this Mama. She is starting to be more alert during the day checking things out. We can almost get a smile out of her when we act super silly, but not quite yet...she's still trying to figure out how to turn those lips upright. She will make noises every now & then when you are talking to her. She fills my days with so much happiness, I just love her so much! She loves to stretch out on her changing table & could lay there forever, she also loves to fall asleep in her swing. No more newborn pants, socks, or sleepers for this baby...her legs are too long & her feet are too big. She is filling out 0-3 month clothes nicely. It seems as if she changes every day! She makes my heart swell!
It is so hard to think that she is already over a month old. She is one precious, pretty, little girl. Sometimes I think she looks just like you, then the next time, I think ... no Matt. She is a perfect mix of you both! Luv ya!
She is just the cutest thing I have ever seen!!! :)
I love her!!! and I can't wait to smooch on her!!! Love you all!
Checking in! How are you guys?!
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