Today I am 29 weeks & had a Drs. appt where we had the 4d ultrasound done. I have gained 6 more lbs. & am now up to 128, baby's heartbeat was in the 140's - 150's, my tummy measures right on time with how far along I am, & no swelling just yet. After the check up; me, hubby, my mom, & his mom headed into the ultrasound room for our 4d. Which is such an awesome thing by the way! When we first started baby girl was face down & we found out she is breeched as of right now, but still has plenty of time to turn. So, our tech tried a couple of maneuvers to get her to move in a good position, but she would not budge & it seemed that every angle she had her hand in front of her face. We gave her a minute & we finally found a position where we could get a couple of good shots of her face, so we started snapping away:) We were even able to see her open & close her eyes which is so amazing! She has a little bit of peach fuz on top of her head so she may not come out with a head full of her hair like her Mom & Dad did...but she does already weigh 3.4lbs. Hubby & I were both big babies so I'm a little nervous to see how big she may be. She is already in the 58th percentile ( my little over achiever :0) haha ). Of course we won't be able to really tell anything until she is actually here, but to me it looks like she is her Daddy's girl. Looks to be that she has his nose & lips, long legs, toes, & fingers lol! But, that's ok:) Ok, Ok, I know you are ready to see some here she is.....

her arm & hand near her face

face shot

foot w/ toes spread if you look close to the right
Ha, so while I'm looking and waiting on facebook, you're sneaking around and putting your pictures up here..haha
Okay, I can see her and she is cute whoever she looks like. Granddaddy says he doesn't see anything..haha
So sweet :) Those 3D/4D images are always so interesting!
Glad things are going so well! Yay for ultrasounds, so awesome to see 4D
AWE! I really hope we get one of these ultrasounds because those pictures are precious!
sweeeeeet.... she is beautiful! i'll bet your mom is having a fit! :o)
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